Juan Luis Martínez-Carande Corral

Juan Luis Martínez-Carande Corral fundador sigma data corporate sigma data corpotation web badajoz proteccion datos consultora derecho madrid-001

He founded Sigma Corporate (formerly Sigma Data) in 2008. He is Executive Vice President of the Spanish Association of Bound Subjects in the Prevention of Money Laundering (ASEBLAC) and recognized external expert in the Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Infractions.

He has held numerous positions in the Financial Public Administration, both in management and in regulation development and intergovernmental cooperation.

He has been a member of the Supreme Council of Real Estate Owned by the General Direction of the Land Registry, a member of the Agency for Cooperation and International Development of Extremadura and secretary of the Autonomous Jury Valuations.

He has published a guide on Privacy and Information Security, as well as several articles about Compliance in legal journals, being a regular collaborator of Wolters Kluwer (La Ley), in whose Professional Channel has his own blog.

With extensive teaching experience, he has given lessons in numerous courses and training conferences, both in the Public Administration and in universities and compliance meetings.


Law degree from the Universidad Pontificia of Comillas (ICADE E-1). He is a Tax Inspector on temporary leave.

He has completed an Executive MBA, in addition to a degree in Strategic Management, R & D + i and Corporate Government of Information Security.


Language skills:

Spanish and English.